Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March Meeting

The Tulsa Republican Club will meet this week on March 18th. We are proud to announce Bill Shapard of ShapardResearch as our speaker.

Bill will present the results of the Citizen Survey which polled 1,800+ households in Tulsa and conducted interviews covering a number of important quality of life issues. The citizens survey results were part of the larger KPMG Managing Change Effectiveness Study.

If you are currently running or considering a run for municipal or state office, you don't want to miss this presentation.

This is the first opportunity anyone outside of city hall has been presented these results, this is a great opportunity for our club!

More about our speaker: Bill is the founder of ShapardResearch and Bill began his career in polling after working on a major campaign in Oklahoma and has worked in nearly every election cycle in Oklahoma since 1996.

The survey is available online if you want to preview the results: